Thursday, May 24, 2012

holy humidity

sleep: 7 hours (very unrestful sleep last two nights)

"greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right use of strength"
henry ward beecher

warm up:
EMOM for 5 minutes
burpees x 5

scorpion stretch
arm stretch
foam roll
pass throughs

floor press 5-3-1 (75%-85%-95%)

(warm up) 45x10
(working sets) 65x5, 75x3, 85x1xf

3 rounds
5 front squats @ 80#
18 pull ups @ red band
5 dead lifts @ 115#
18 knees to elbow
5 push press @ 80#
18 push ups (hand release)

27:22 ------- holy ouch. this took way too long. pull ups failed (went to a band) - grip failed. wasn't feeling very strong today

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cindy, you bitch.

Day 1 -- yes, I am starting today and not yesterday but I'm going to keep myself honest to this so today is day 1.

Weight: 137.8 #
Sleep: 10 hours (!) (it's my day off... haha)

Warm Up: 3 Rounds NFT
300m run
Bear crawl
Sansom stretch

Strength: Power Cleans 5-3-1+ (75%-85%-95%)

Burgener warm up (with PVC)
warm up | 45x8, 65x6
working sets | 85x5, 95x3, 105x10

WOD: (AMRAP 15 minutes of...) "Cindy"
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

9 Rounds + 4 pull ups