Tuesday, March 20, 2012

spring has sprung!

March 20, 2012 (first day of spring!)

warm up:

crossfit shrewsbury loop

10 overhead squats @ pvc

10 lunges

strength: thrusters 3-3-3-3-3

warm up: 45x8, 65x6

working sets: 95x3x3x3x3x3

wod: 10 minutes of "cindy"

5 pull ups (kip)

10 push ups (hand release)

15 squats

6 rounds + 4 pull ups

Monday, March 19, 2012


March 17, 2012

strength: deadlift 3-3-3 (70%-80%-90%)

warm up: 45x10, 95x5, 115x5

working sets: 130x3, 150x3, 165x8

March 19, 2012

warm up:

crossfit shrewsbury loop ;)

duck walks

wall walks (vertical)

10 push ups

10 squats

10 sit ups

strength: back squat 5-3-1+ (75%-85%-95%)

warm up: 45x10, 95x8, 115x3

working sets: 135x5, 155x3, 170x2

wod: amrap 6 minutes

10 kettlebell swings @ 16kg

10 burpees

4 rounds + 6 burpees

wod 2.0 : death by 10 meters

got to round 10

Thursday, March 15, 2012


March 15, 2012

warm up: 3 rounds

jump rope (2 minutes)

10 push ups

10 sit ups

+lat ball and pass throughs

skill: snatch complex (snatch/snatch balance/overhead squat)

15#, 35#, 40#, 45#, 50#

wod: 5 rounds for time

250m row

21 ketlebell swings @ 16kg


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

actively resting

March 14, 2012

"active rest"


30x5, 50x3, 60x3, 65x2, 60x3, 45x3, 50x3, 60x3

*press work: "moment" arm; sit weight of the bar in the meat of your hands and less in your fingers; less front squat rack for the press.

handstand and pull up work

foam rolling

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

burgerner is a funny word

March 13, 2012

warm up: 3 rounds

250m row

10 push ups

30:30 superman/hollow rock

strength: clean and jerk

burgerner's warm up

clean and jerk 2-2-2-2-2

(30x2) 60x2, 80x2, 90x2, 100x2, 105x2, 110x2 (f on 2nd jerk)




double unders

sit ups


Monday, March 12, 2012

Oh, Fran.

Monday, March 12, 2012

samantha wright of crossfit center city

warm up: 2 rounds
10 overhead squat @ pvc
10 back extensions
10 sit ups
10 pull ups (jumping)
10 dips

strength: back squat 3-3-3+

-> 45x10, 75x10, 95x5, 115x5
working sets: 125x3, 145x3, 165x7

wod: "fran"
thrusters (65#)
pull ups



Saturday, March 10, 2012

Games WOD 12.3

AMRAP 18 minutes
15 box jumps (20'')
12 push press (75#)
9 toes to bar

4 rounds + 3 toes to bar (174 reps)

Monday, March 5, 2012

suckfest monday.

Monday, March 5, 2012

warm up:
3 rounds
600m row
10 kettlebell swings
30:30 superman/hollowrock

back squat 5-5-5+ (65%-75%-85%)

45x10, 75x5, 95x5, 105x5
120x5, 135x5, 155x7

amrap 20 minutes
10 push ups (hand release)
10 pull ups
10 v-ups
20 double unders
5 front squats @ 75#
prowler push (+30#)

3 rounds.

near death experience.
i need to run more.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

warm up:
250m row
pvc passthroughs
pvc overhead squats
lat ball roll out

overhead squats

45x5x5, 65x5, 75x5, 85x3, 95x1, 105x1x1

Saturday, March 3, 2012


March 2, 2012

warm up (unrecorded)

crossfit games 12.2 wod

as many reps as possible
30 snatch @ 45#
30 snatch @ 75#
30 snatch @ 100#
max rep snatch @ 120#

42 reps (30 @ 45#, 12 @ 75#)


March 1, 2012

warm up
10 goblet squat
10 push up
10 pass throughs
10 pvc overhead squat

burgerner's warm up
10 shrugs
10 high elbows (scarecrow)
10 snatch balance
10 snatch & squat
10 full snatch

overhead squat x3
45#, 65#, 75#

skill: snatch work

cleans & high pulls

attempts @ 100# (almost got it!)


February 24, 2012

warm up

strength: deadlift 5-3-1+

65x10, 95x5, 125x3
145x5, 165x3, 185x5

oh so behind

February 23, 2012

warm up
250m row
10 pass through @ pvc
10 dips
10 back extensions
10 sit ups

games wod 12.1

amrap 7 minutes burpees

80 burpees

oh hey

February 20, 2012

warm up
50 singles 10 overhead squat w/ pvc
10 dips
10 pull ups (jumping)
10 sit ups

strength: back squat 5-3-1+
45x10, 95x5, 125x3
145x5, 165x3, 185x1

wod: 8 rounds for time (25 min cap)
20 wallball shots
30 walking lunges
40 double unders
50 ft prowler push
rest 60 seconds

where in the world is this blog?

oops. forgot to post for a minute. this will be updated by the end of the day!